Visions of new worlds rising

Visions of new worlds rising/ Bearing none who fear/ Lift your dragging spirits/ And face the future quietly/

Monday, June 16, 2014

Facebook 2012

20 Dec
Probably NSFW. Prafanity mixed with profound truths.

The cleaned up version:

#6 The world only cares about what it can get from you... or nobody owes you a living, so what have you got to offer to the world in order to get a living?

#5 Love and kindness doesn't pay the bills. After you have paid the bills, then maybe, just maybe, you get to enjoy love and kindness.

#4 You don't have to do it for money, but it helps. Or... if you don't wanna do it for money, people must benefit or in some way want what you are doing or producing.

#3 As Rachel Dawes said to Bruce Wayne (Batman), "it's not who you are on the inside that matters, its what you do"... so here's the test - name 5 impressive things that you have achieved. Not 5 things that you are (e.g. I'm Batman - doesn't count; but I've saved Gotham City from the Joker would).

#2 Who you are inside only matters if it drives you to do great things - "I'm Batman, and because I am Batman, I will save Gotham City."

#1 Everything inside you will fight any attempt to change your life for the better. You have to read the profanity-laced article to see examples of self-defeating excuses you will come up with to NOT change yourself.
27 Oct 
Tolerance for the sake of tolerance achieves nothing.
Tolerance is to restrain your initial visceral reaction long enough to understand.
If after you have truly understood the issue you still find the situation intolerable, then you should respond from reason, from logic, and for the sake of the common good.

19 Sep
If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.
If you need to go, just go.

[5 Aug 2014 update:
If you wanna go far, go together
If you wanna go fast, go alone.
If you wanna go cheap, go by budget air.
If you just wanna go. Bring toilet paper. Just in case. ]

16 Aug
“It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique. It’s not easy, but if you accept your misfortune and handle it right, your perceived failure can become a catalyst for profound re-invention.” - Conan O'Brien
14 Aug
“If you talk only work and mundane office topics of course you won’t know much (about each other). Need to talk about hopes and dreams and wishes and schemes and art and life and beauty and experience and funny things and crazy ideas and beliefs and loves and fears and dark thoughts and fantasies and visions and demons and quiet moments and sadness and scenes and shared times and so on. And if you look back with a sense of peace with the person you shared it all with then that is the person you should grow old with.”
13 Aug
TFR is falling and needs to be reversed. TFR reversed is RFT: Recruit Foreign Talent.
20 Jul
If you know the rules and know the reason for the rules and you break the rules, you're a revolutionary.
If you know the rules but don't know or understand the reasons for the rules and you break them, you're just a rebel.
If you don't even know the rules you're breaking, you're just a punk.
14 Jul
"With great power comes great utility bills."
13 Jul
"Defensiveness is the opposite of confidence, just as arrogance is the alter ego of insecurity" - Asad Latiff
 1 Jul
Everything happens for a reason. Just not necessarily the reason you are think is the most plausible or in line with your belief system.
21 Jun
"Only those who respect themselves have the courage to be humble."
17 Jun
"Believe in yourself, but do not be attached to your own point of view." - Jing Si Aphorism.
5 Jun
"The effort to deceive oneself is what Buddhism refers to as evil."
- Soun Houshi
15 May
Because it is never about what you don't have that makes you unhappy, but what you don't do to be happy.
11 May
We don't become gracious by demanding other people be gracious to us. We don't mature by demanding others act maturely.

Ayam Penyet was invented over a hundred years ago in Indonesia when the automobile first arrived in Indonesia. - Wikifraudia
12 Feb
You have to lose something to get something.
15 Jan
Sometimes the wisdom to know when to do nothing, is only recognised when juxtaposed against the wisdom to act with impeccable timing. Without this juxtapositioning, I just look like a lazy bum, who don't know what to do.
New Year:
May the New Year bring you what you need. May what you need be what you want. And may what you want not be illegal, immoral, or fattening. Unless you really need it!


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